Six signs of a deep life you should know now

Leadership Activation Digest
3 min readJul 11, 2023


Find out if you are living a shallow life

The first thing that came to mind as you glanced at the topic was what’s deep life? And you may have asked, what does that really mean? Lets go ahead and find out Life in itself is deep and comes with a mystery of trying to understand everything that happens which will leave you with a desire to learn and get better. Life could be shallow to many too because of a lack of desire to learn and grow. While both are obtainable, you need to embrace a decision in the journey of life. It is either you look toward death or life.

If life is deep in itself, you need to understand the signs that come with it and the need to live such a life because that is the true nature of what life is all about. If you shift from the actual course of life, you will definitely walk into death while living.

The signs are numerous from everything I have earlier stated but I find these seven points of note because it will help you recognise the beauty of a deep life.

Purpose Discovery: this is the act of searching, studying and learning to understand the meaning of your life on earth as you move on. Your curiosity to understand why you were created is one of the signs you are alive which means you are living a deep life. Keep a heart to know more and discover more.

The Practice of Self Reflection: For those who live consciously trying to understand the reason what they have done and make better decisions are those who will experience deep life.

Real connections: Become deliberate about every human connection you make and take time to invest truly into it. These connections are an evidence of your depth in life. People who make real connections are the happiest and they are likely to achieve more from life’s journey.

Serving people: when you understand how deep life is, you will understand that serving humanity is a way to exercise the fullness of life on earth. Service is part of what holds the earth together and for one who doesn’t want to serve and wants to be served will live without fulfilling purpose.

Balance and Well-being: Deep living involves striving for balance and well-being in all areas of life. It means taking care of physical, mental, and emotional health and maintaining a harmonious integration of work, relationships, leisure, and self-care.

Creativity and Self-Expression: Living deeply often involves embracing creativity and allowing for self-expression. It can take various forms, such as artistic pursuits, writing, music, or any activity that allows individuals to tap into their creative potential and express their unique perspectives.

Spirituality and Transcendence: Deep living may include a sense of spirituality or a connection to something greater than oneself. It can involve exploring questions of meaning, purpose, and the nature of existence, and finding personal fulfillment through spiritual practices, rituals, or contemplation.

In the midst of the troubles we face, we find peace in deep places for our sanity and purposeful living.

